The Sun

The feeling of empowerment after crossing the void and knowing that you’re still here. I’m not really a fan of the theory that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. I think that some experiences change us. The hard part, the part that defines us is how we integrate those experiences. Do we isolate, turn cold, give up? There are times when one can’t be blamed for those choices, but it is a true badass who rises up for something awful and uses it for good.

What have your adversities taught you?


Three of Swords

When facing great losses, the first instinct is usually to try and avoid the pain. Here we are encouraged to accept it and integrate the lessons that we’ve been given along the way. A painful loss is the flip side of something that had great value.

This card can also speak to distances. Whether physical or emotional, a rift that separates you from someone important can feel just like a loss. Consider what is driving the rift. Weigh the value of the cause against perceived loss and use that in your decision making. Is this a situation that you’re willing to make permanent?


Page of Cups

Be open to good news. Some of us are used to expecting the worst and end up missing some of the good stuff along the way because of it.

If you find yourself always expecting bad news, remember that something extraordinary can happen in the blink of an eye, just as easily as disaster can strike.

Look for the extraordinary.


Six of Swords

A relatively calm transition is underway. Maybe moving from one phase to another or perhaps a more literal physical transition or journey.

In any case, there should be some stillness on the other side. The tumult of recent days (weeks?) is ready to settle into something more comfortable.


Nine of Swords

Sometimes we feel that peril is staring us down. It consumes our thoughts and we lose sight of the fact that we are blanketed by love and the abundant energy of the universe and all creation.

Let this card serve as a reminder that when we feel doom hanging above us, we should also look at who and what is standing beside us and the phenomenal energies that are always holding us up.


Ten of Cups

Abundance is all around us. We typically only start to feel lack when we start to isolate ourselves from the source of abundance.

The Ten of Cups is about the promise of our existence. We are not here to struggle and want. We are here to learn, identify goals, and work to achieve them.

When we feel like a failure, like we’re not enough, that the sort of feelings that we long for are not available to us, this is a time for evaluation. Why do I find myself feeling this way. What false premise have I accepted. Sometimes layers build quickly and it is difficult to see clearly how and why we started losing our connection to the abundance that there for us.

Look to the card and try to remind yourself that you get to choose. Your own unique paradise is yours for the creation.


Seven of Pentacles

Neat of this to turn up right after the six.

When you’ve done the work and seen to the details, a project can reach a point where it can sustain itself for a while. This can allow time to reflect and recharge or maybe start setting the groundwork for that other project that you’ve been thinking of.


Six of Pentacles

I usually gravitate to the most immediate meaning of this card. Someone in need being assisted by another in a careful, measured fashion.

Today, I find myself thinking more in terms of how the universe will give us information as we are ready to receive it.

Sometimes, we choose not to see what is in front of us or we stay in a situation because we are not yet ready to leave.